1s2u SMS app enables you to send SMS in Single,Bulk to your contacts . Any country, any mobile, SMS delivered instantly.
How its works is really simple:
1. Download 1s2u app for Free No Annoying Ads to bother you.
2. Signup at app register page and get demo SMS with 10 Free SMS.
3. Login with your details in App
4. Start sending single , bulks SMS to all your contacts, or phone-book.
5.Reload your account and enjoy sending more messages.
App features:
1- Send single , bulk messages.
2- Send English,Unicode messages like ( Chinese , Arabic , Greece ...etc).
3- live sent report to get all your sent messages status. ( Delivered - Undelivered..etc).
4-Create ready template for easy use at anytime.
5-Create and save your own contacts groups.
6-Saved / Draft messages.
7-Auto save messages in draft while composing your bulk message.
8-Instant loading of all phone book contacts on compose SMS page.
9-Reload your account from app itself ( Currently we accept Google payments).
10-User can login with his login details to his SMS dashboard at our website for more features and for advanced options.
About 1s2u app :
App uses your 2G, 3G or WiFi (if available) to send single,bulk SMS to anyone
We would love to hear from you.
If you have an complaints or find any bugs within the app please let us know by clicking on "Send email" under developer at the bottom of your screen.